Monday, March 30, 2015

Week In Review (Well, sort of!) 3/23/15-3/29/15

"Sickness comes on horseback but departs on foot."  ~Dutch Proverb, sometimes attributed to William C. Hazlitt

I did a really, really, really, really pitiful job taking pics for the blog this week.  Early in the week, Joseph and David both came down with some type of upper respiratory infection.  They were both feeling pretty rough for the better half of the week, and in trying to get them both well I really failed to pull out the camera (plus, I'd feel a little crazy snapping lots of blog pictures of my two sick guys).  So, I ended up with ONE photo from the week (told you I did a pitiful job).  On Saturday (after the boys were mostly recovered) our internet went down and, since Time Warner couldn't get out to fix it until late in the afternoon, we went to my parents house so that David could do some school work on their internet.  My dad and Joseph were hanging out on the couch together in their living room, and I snapped this picture so that I could have something to put on the blog!  LOL.  This past week was also my father-in-law's birthday!  It was so fun to call and chat with him and give him birthday wishes.  We love him and hope he had a great time celebrating!!!

So, there you basically have our week in a nutshell.  Luckily both my guys are pretty much 100% well now.  Since I don't have any other content to write about this week, I figured I could give a school update on some stuff with Joseph.

Little man now knows all of his colors and all numbers 1-10.  He loves counting things and can count very quickly!  He especially likes to count anytime he walks up steps...he counts the numbers of steps he is climbing.  So cute!  We have begun working on letters now and also have begin working on numbers past 10 (so far we are working on 11, LOL).  He loves to sing and can sing a good bit of the "ABC" song, but certainly not all of it and he doesn't have much letter identification yet when you show him letters.  So we are working on that.  He also loves talking about Jesus and can sing "Jesus Loves Me" in it's entirety.  He can sing the chorus from "10,000 Reasons" which is so cute!  I've loved doing homeschool preschool with him and so much of his learning has really come from "unschooling" times...times in everyday life that I have the opportunity to point things out to him.  I get more and more excited every day about our continuing homeschooling journey!

In other, non-educational related things: When we went to the doctor for his cold this past week he weighed 28 pounds with clothes but no shoes on.  I'm always shocked that he isn't over 30 pounds, because he feels so heavy to me.  According to a calculator I did online, this puts him in about the 31st percentile for weight...quite an increase for a child that hung out in the first percentile the first few months of his life.  He loves eating and eats pretty much nonstop.  Much like his parents, he loves ethnic food.  They say the foods you eat while pregnant and nursing flavor amniotic fluid and breast milk, and so your child often favors those foods later on.  Maybe that's true, because Joseph loves Indian, Japanese, Chinese, Greek, and Mexican food!  We got a good laugh out of him last week because for two days he begged us for "Naan" (Indian bread).  Love my little ethnic kiddo.  He also says some really funny phrases right now...our favorites are "No big deal!" and "Stay cool!"  So fun to hear the things he picks up.

On one sad note, his dairy allergy seems to be getting worse.  We were told by many people that dairy allergies often get either better or worse starting around age 2.  He had an accidental dairy exposure this weekend (totally the result of the two of us just not checking the ingredients on some icing from Whole Foods carefully enough...we felt awful!) and he had hives covering his lower body, the most horrific diaper rash, and a bright red rash on his face.  Poor little guy!  All three of us are basically dairy free now, but we are going to have to be more careful in watching what he eats because even a small bit of dairy accidentally in his diet now doesn't seem to be a good things for him.  

So there's a Joseph update for you!  Hopefully next week I'll have a few more photos to document our week!

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