Monday, March 9, 2015

Week in Review: 3/2/15 - 3/8/15

"Today you are you!  That is truer than true!  There is no one alive who is you-er than you!" - Dr Seuss

This past week was super busy and I admit I didn't do the best job of taking pictures!  But here are a few snapshots of things we did!

Monday was Dr. Seuss' birthday and so, to celebrate, we read some of our Dr. Seuss books during school time.

On Tuesday, Joseph and I went to buy a few of the seeds we would need for our vegetable garden this summer.  I'm so excited about saving a little money on produce by growing our own!

I love to take random pictures of Joseph throughout the week.  Here he was on Wednesday, coming to let me know he had taken one of his shoes off..

And on the same day, I snapped one of him lounging on the couch to watch The Andy Griffith Show...

On Friday, my mom had her second eye surgery at Southeastern Eye Center.  While David, my dad, Jojo and myself sat in the waiting area while she was in surgery, Joseph became very interested in my phone's "selfie" camera feature.  So of course, we spent some time taking selfies.  LOL.

Towards the end, my dad joined the selfie fun, too!

The three of us (David, Joseph, and myself) have recently developed a little family tradition that we have grown so incredibly attached to.  Friday evenings are our regular grocery-shopping night and, every Friday evening, after we go to Harris Teeter, we also pop next door to Whole Foods for some special treats (along with anything else from our grocery list we may need there).  Every Friday night, David and I get vegan chocolate chip cookies (they are AMAZING) and Joseph gets a sandwich cookie (2 sugar cookies with some cream in the middle).  Since we all three try to limit our sugar the rest of the week, this is our special thing to look forward to.  I seriously think I start looking forward to it each week around Thursday morning!  LOL!  This past week, when we got home from Whole Foods, we gave Joseph his sandwich cookie and he promptly ate it as fast as he could, leaving evidence of the chocolate cream around his mouth...

On Saturday, we went to the Trinity Church Consignment Sale right up the street from our house.  We get the majority of Joseph's clothes from church consignment sales in the spring and fall.  Usually I go on a Friday, alone or with my mom.  But this time we went on Saturday and David got his first consignment sale experience.  I think he's a pretty good-looking consignment Daddy!

We are "substitute" door greeters at our church, meaning that if a regular greeter isn't able to work at their door on a given Sunday, they call us.  We love getting called to greet!  So on Sunday, I wore Joseph while we did our duty.  He had a great time saying "Hello!" and "Good morning friends!" from the comfort of the Boba. :-)

Hope everyone had a great week and is enjoying the warming weather!

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