Monday, March 16, 2015

Week in Review 3/9/15-3/15/15

"Mountains are the beginning and the end of all natural scenery." -John Ruskin

The weather really started to get warmer this past week and I'm so excited about it!  Tuesday, we took a walk around the lake in the was great!

Wednesday morning, I captured a pic of this sweet, squirmy boy waking up from his nap.

Wednesday afternoon, we headed to the mountains for a long weekend with David's family in Highlands.  We had a great time!  We took Joseph to the park, ate delicious food, and did some shopping!  Lots of fun!  Here are some pictures from our trip!

Thursday morning we took Joseph to the Highlands park...

We also took him back in the afternoon, after his nap...

On Friday the weather was pretty cold and rainy, so we hung out in the kids room of the Highlands Library.  Joseph had so much fun with all the books, puzzles, stuffed animals, and the colorful rug!  What a great facility for kids!

On Saturday, we went to the Bascom Art Museum, which is always super cool.  We also got to go in the pottery facilities outside and actually see a potter making something on the wheel.  Very interesting.

We also took Joseph to a larger park just down the mountain in Cashiers.  Despite there being tons of slides, bridges, and climbing toys to play on, he always prefers to stick to the swings.  :-)

I took this picture of Rocky, my in-laws sweet dog, while we were sitting around their house one day.  Can you spot that sweetie among the toys? ;-)

We made several stops on the trip home Sunday (we are big stoppers while traveling).  Joseph enjoyed riding the Snoopy ride at the Marion Walmart...

And running through the grass at a rest area...

One random thing...I realize y'all are going to think I'm totally morbid for blogging about this, so please forgive me.  But when we were at the park in Highlands one day playing, I noticed this plaque hanging up on the fence.  It says "In memory of little Cenda Schweers.  Lost in Highlands, June 1968."  I was curious, so I had to Google the story.  Turns out that Cenda was a 4 year old little girl visiting Highlands with her family in the summer of 1968.  They went to walk down a mountain trail together.  Little Cenda turned back briefly to look at something (innocently it seemed), and when they turned around a few minutes later she was totally gone without a trace.  A 5 day search led to the discovery of her body in a nearby lake in which she had drowned.  Why am I sharing such a terrible story, you ask?  Because stories like this are always a reminder for me of just how vigilant we have to be with watching our children.  I know how easy it is to get distracted, but really, we cannot afford to let them out of our sight for a minute when they are young.  Too much that could go wrong.  This story sent chills up my spine and really made me refocus on thinking about ways to keep Joseph safe when we are out and about.  You cannot be too careful.

Finally, and on a lighter note, I thought I'd share these photos that David took Sunday night after we were back at home.  Joseph asked for a pre-bedtime snack of an apple and splayed across the couch to enjoy it.  Love this sweet, silly boy...

Hope everyone had a great week!  Excited that spring is soon arriving!

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