Friday, December 5, 2014

Joseph's 2nd Birthday!!!

"Today you are you!  That is truer than true!  There is no one alive who is you-er than you!" -Dr. Suess

So hard to believe that, on October 20th, this sweet boy turned 2 years old!  If feels like we JUST brought that precious, not even 6 pound baby home from the hospital!  As I always say, Joseph's very existence is an miraculous thing.  Because of my fertility challenges it is amazing I ever got pregnant with him, and we came literally within seconds of losing him at birth.  I'm just so thankful for a happy, sweet, loving, and healthy toddler.  It has been so much fun to watch him grow, although I daily find myself wishing that time would slow down and I could keep him little for longer!!!

We celebrated with a party at our house on Saturday, October 18th!  In attendance were my parents, David's parents, my grandmother, my Dad's cousin Ray and his wife Jan, our friends the Johnsons, and our friends the Locks.  Joseph had a car themed party complete with an ENORMOUS cake (I like leftovers, so I always get a cake twice the size that we need!) and tons of car and truck presents!!!  We (along with my mom) took a ton of pictures, so I'll share a bunch and caption a few!!!

The cake was almost as big as Joseph!!!

Great-Mimi and Jan obviously in a serious discussion ;-)

Daddy had to help open gifts!

Sweet baby Grayson was literally worn out from all the fun :-)

Jojo's Aunt Lindsay sent him this super fun toy, and David had the pleasure of putting it together (along with a little help from Poppy and our friend Brandon).  Here he is in the beginning "construction" phase!

Jojo could hardly wait to start playing with everything he got

And of course he took a moment to sneak a few chips.

Both grandmothers had fun taking pics!

And here is Joseph playing with the huge car race track that was put together!

So.  Many.  Toys.

Heather J. and sweet Samuel!  Love these two!!

These boys had lots of work to do!

Beautiful Addison!

Look at these two.  Cutest thing ever.

Heather L.

Jojo and Poppy

Jojo and Papaw

David and Brandon were so proud of putting this together!

I love this pic - Addison and Jojo are living proof that two people can fir into this toy car!
 A couple of days later, on Joseph's actual birthday, David and I took him to Tex & Shirleys here in Greensboro (non-Greensboro people, Tex & Shirleys is a locally famous pancake house).  The chocolate chips pancakes there were one of the first signs to me on the day of his birth that he may be in distress.  My normally hyper unborn child didn't move at all after I ate a whole order of these sugary things, and that seemed odd to me.  It was one of the things that, later that day, prompted me to go to the hospital to get checked out.  So I credit Tex and Shirleys, in part, with being an instrument God used to save my sweet boy's life.  So what better way to celebrate than to take him there guessed it...chocolate chip pancakes?  The chocolate on his face shows how he enjoyed them, and let's just say they definitely hyped him up this time! ;-)

Happy Birthday sweet boy!  You are loved more than you could EVER imagine!

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