Tuesday, June 30, 2015

Two Weeks in Review 6/15/15-6/28/15

If I had my way I'd make health catching instead of disease.  ~Robert Ingersoll

Well, this blog post is going to lack many pictures, and, once you find out how we spent the first week that it covers, you will thank me for that.  TRUST me.  

So, two Sundays ago we woke up to the sound of Joseph vomiting in his crib at 5am (what a lovely thing to hear over the baby monitor).  We got him up, cleaned him up, and he proceeded to throw up 4 more times that morning.  But, after that, he was TOTALLY fine.  I mean, no fever, no more throwing up, full of energy.  So, instead of assuming it was a virus, we assumed maybe his body just had a bad reaction to the slight bits of dairy we had been reintroducing to him (we periodically reintroduce dairy to see if his dairy allergy is getting better, worse, or staying the same).  So, instead of taking any germ precautions, we just went about life as usual.  We went to my parents and grandmother for dinner that Sunday night and did our normal stuff.

Were we ever WRONG about the "no virus" thing.

I woke up Monday morning at 4-something am.  Noticed David wasn't in bed with me and got up to check on him...he was in our bathroom throwing up.  I STILL was in denial.  I truly wanted to believe this was just a fluke, or that maybe something he ate upset his stomach.  But I couldn't deny that I felt a teeny bit queasy myself.  

At 8-something am, I threw up for the first time.  Yup, it was becoming apparent that what Joseph had had the day before was a stomach bug and that we had caught it.  But we also felt good about the fact that, if Joseph's virus only lasted 1/2 day, ours would be over in just a few hours, too.


I'll spare everyone further detail.  You don't want it, trust me.  But David called in sick and we spent the entire day battling extreme nausea and vomiting.  Poor Joseph was feeling fine and didn't understand why mommy and daddy couldn't plan like usual.  It was AWFUL.

This ended up being the stomach bug of all stomach bugs.  Our nausea lasted a FULL THREE DAYS.  It was horrible!  The only time in my life I've felt worse was during my 2004 bout of food poisoning (which I will say WAS much worse - I really did think food poisoning would kill me).  

But that's not all - on Tuesday night, my 93 year old grandmother had to be taken via ambulance to the ER for dehydration from vomiting.  And then my mother came down with it the next day.  All in all, their experience involved 2 separate ER trips and 2 nights of hospitalization for my grandmother.  My dad is the only one of us who didn't ever get it (I awarded him the "SUPER IMMUNE SYSTEM" badge of honor).

Let's just say, next time any of us gets even a TEENY bit sick (with ANYTHING, not just a stomach bug), I mean even a LITTLE, then my infection control protocols are going in high gear.  The CDC won't have anything on this mama!

SO, seeing as how we spent a good part of that week just trying not to die, I didn't get a lot of pictures.  

Here is a picture of me cuddling with Joseph on that Tuesday.  Still wasn't feeling good, but his snuggles helped.

On that Friday (once we were all feeling better) I had trouble getting Joseph down for a nap in his crib, so I popped him in the Tula.  He was out within 5 minutes and I was able to make a successful transfer to the couch...

On Father's Day, we took Joseph to the park for a bit, then went to my parents house for dinner.  I don't have any other Father's Day pictures, either.  Told you that was a rough week.  :-(  But I hope my dear husband, father, father-in-law, and all the other daddies out there had an awesome day!

 This past week was much better since we were feeling well again!  We went to hang out at my grandmother's house on Tuesday to wait for the garbage truck to come by...still one of Joseph's favorite activities.  My mom got several pics of my little cutie with her camera!

And, from Thursday through Saturday afternoon, David's parents (Mimi and Poppy) came to visit us!  We had so much fun!  We went shopping, ate some tasty meals, and the entire family (my parents, David's parents, etc) went out to dinner Friday night.  A great weekend! 

Jojo and Poppy

Jojo and Mimi

Hope everyone is having a great summer so far!

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