Sunday, July 26, 2015

Some Catching Up to Do!!!

"Procrastination is opportunity's assassin." -Victor Kiam

I'd say procrastination pretty well sums up what's been going on (or should I say NOT going on) with the blog recently!  Life has been busy, and thus it's been almost a MONTH since I've updated!  Yikes!!!  So, here's a look at what we've been doing over the past month!

We had a super fun Fourth of July, complete with the downtown parade, lunch at Natty Greene's, and the fireworks (I don't have any pictures of the fireworks sadly)...

Lunch at Natty Greene's!
We went to a Greensboro Grasshoppers game with my parents and a few ladies we know from church, and were fortunate enough to sit in outdoor box seats thanks to some friends of ours at a local company.  It was so much fun, and Joseph loved it, especially since he had some room to roam.

Silly boy loves wearing Papaw's sunglasses!

We took a five day, four night trip to North Myrtle Beach, like we do every summer!  We had SUCH a good time!

When we arrived Wednesday afternoon, Joseph almost couldn't stand the excitement.

Two different days, Joseph rode the GIANT blow up slide you see in the distance (with us).  It's 40 feet high!  We were amazed!!

David had to do some serious work each day to keep the wind from blowing our umbrella away ;-)

Joseph loved the ocean!!!

Our friends Heather, Andrew, and Samuel were at the beach the same time as us again this year!  So we had dinner with them one night at Duffy Street Seafood Shack and then went to ride rides afterward.  Joseph and Samuel always have such a good time together, and Samuel taught Joseph how to be a daredevil and ride rides!

Andrew, Heather, and two sweet boys!

The entire time we were eating dinner, Joseph kept asking me to get him out of the high chair so he could "Go see Heather!"

The daddies strapping the boys into the airplane ride

Then we had to do the car ride...

And I'd say both boys enjoyed themselves!
I'm not totally sure what's going on in this pic, but I'm pretty sure Samuel is saying "I taught this dude to ride rides!"
After that night, Joseph was hooked on the rides!  He wanted to ride them every evening on the trip, at Barefoot Landing and at the amusement park near our hotel.  On our last night, he wanted to ride the SCRAMBLER with Mommy!  Seriously?  I don't think I rode the scrambler until I was about 8.  Brave boy!  He loved it and laughed the whole time!

I loved this snapshot with my cutie at Carolina Roadhouse...

And I should mention that the beach wore Joseph out so much that he would fall asleep for naps at totally random places, like the couch in the hotel lobby and on my lap at a diner off the beach at lunch...

Our last night at the beach we had a huge storm, and it left behind a beautiful rainbow and some very cool clouds!  What a great ending to a great trip!

The week after we got back from the beach trip something big happened at our house - we got a new roof!  We had been needing one for a long time and, despite two days of noisy work, I couldn't be happier with the results!  Thanks, Triad Roofing Services!

We also had a yard sale to clean out our attic and to make a little extra money.  I used our dining room as a staging area before the sale and it was PACKED with stuff!  It was so nice to get rid of things and, the things we didn't sell went to Goodwill...

Our dining room before the sale.  So.  Much.  Stuff.

My parents came over to help with the sale itself, and Joseph had a great time running around and greeting buyers!

We also managed to take some walks this past month, despite the oppressive heat (doesn't stop us from wearing Joseph, though!)

We have become "regular" church greeters this past month.  In the past, we have been substitute greeters, but now we have a regularly scheduled Sunday, time, and "door" once a month.  We greeted today, and I managed to get a picture of my handsome guys welcoming people to Westover!

Joseph has recently developed an interesting bedtime pattern.  It started with frequent night-wakings.  He would wake up with bad dreams 1-2 times a night and end up getting in bed with us.  Now it has evolved into a routine where he doesn't want to go to bed without us.  Thus, he starts many nights in bed with us and gets transferred to his crib whenever I may happen to wake up during the night - usually between midnight and 3am.  A few nights he has been with us for almost the entire duration.  We haven't really done regular cosleeping with him since he was a baby, but we don't really mind the nights that he does sleep with us for a while.  The extra snuggles are so sweet.  Here he is this weekend hanging out in bed with us before we all went to sleep.

And, last but not least, we've snapped a few silly selfies this month.  Love this nutty little family of mine!

So there you have it...our MONTH in review!  Hoping to be back on a regular blogging schedule now!

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