Sunday, January 25, 2015

Week in Review 1/19/15-1/25/15

"The eye is the lamp of the body.  So if your eye is healthy, your whole body will be full of life." -Matthew 6:22

We had a great week this week, although it is hard to believe that January is quickly drawing to an end!  It was a very cold week here and at times very rainy!  We had a lot of warm, wintery dinners this week...stuffed bell peppers, soups, and stews.  Winter isn't my favorite season, but there is something I love about being able to sit around a table in a warm house and eat dinner with my two is great!

On Tuesday of this week, Joseph accompanied me to a visit to our fertility center.  He had fun playing in the lobby and was in perpetual motion!

One fun thing that we did was making Box Tops for Education and Labels for Education collection envelopes for our bulletin board in our homeschool room.  I've been collecting these for some time and donating them to the local homeschooling group here where they can spend them on supplies and memberships for homeschooling parents that otherwise couldn't afford to be members (remember, for a lot of people homeschooling is the LEAST affordable option as the homeschooling parent is typically out of the workforce AND the family is spending money on curriculum).  It's nice to be able to help out the local homeschooling community AND have an easy place to collect these things.

On Friday, my mom ("Nonie" to Joseph) had eye surgery at Southeastern Eye Center.  Joseph and I went along to sit with my dad in the lobby.  We were there for about 3 1/2 hours and, not only was Joseph really good, but we even turned it into a homeschooling experience!

For one, he wore his doctor's coat and brought his doctor's instruments to help out.  He loved playing with them!

We learned about 2 things on Friday - doctors and vision.  For vision, we did an "I spy" activity in the waiting room.  I would help Joseph find things that met various descriptions and then would write down what we found...

There were no pink, purple, or orange anywhere in the waiting area (I'm not kidding...we looked really, really hard!)  And when it got to things that were "big" and "small," Joseph's attention span with this activity was getting kind of short.
 We also worked on learning Matthew 6:22 since it is a Bible verse about eyes.  :-)

On Saturday evening, David and I went to the ladies' session of the US Figure Skating Championship at the Greensboro Coliseum!  David got free tickets through work, which was awesome!  Joseph stayed with my parents and my grandmother while we went to see the skating.  We ate at the coliseum and had a great view of all the action.  What a great date night!

Obligatory date-night selfie ;-)

One more week in January and then February will be upon us!  Can't wait to see what the rest of 2015 brings!

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