Sunday, May 1, 2011

Adventures from April

"April hath put a spirit of youth in everything." ~William Shakespeare

I realize that I have continued to be a TERRIBLE blogger this month. David and I have been trying to adjust to his new work schedule - getting up so early and him commuting so far away each day. We each wake up around 4:45 each morning. We get on the road early, get to work early (praise the Lord that David has found a vanpool to ride each day to RTP which saves us TONS on gas), put in a full 8-hour day of work (or more than a full day depending on what time we get there), get back home, and then have to make time for cooking, cleaning, laundry, ironing, Scripture reading/devotional/prayer, "together" time, etc. All of that hasn't left a ton of time for blogging! But given that I have a few extra moments this Sunday, I thought I'd update you on some adventures from this month.

One Saturday early in the month, David and I spent the whole day doing some outside work, including (David) cleaning out our gutters. With all the trees around our house, there is quite a lot to take care of at gutter cleaning time...

While I was out watching him that day, I took a picture of the BEAUTIFUL blue sky over our front yard in Greensboro...LOVE that color!

Also took a picture of our azaleas in the backyard, which were blooming at that time...

One random Friday evening, we had LAMB for dinner! David LOVES lamb, and they had it on sale at Harris Teeter. You know if there has ever been a girl that loves a sale, that girl is me. So we picked up a few lamb chops and David grilled them. I made baked potato and some veggies and bread (DELICIOUS rosemary bread from EarthFare). As most of you know, I am also all about using the things that you have instead of just letting them sit around to look pretty. SO we pulled out the fine china and crystal as we sometimes do and had a romantic dinner in our dining room...

LAST weekend, we had one of the most unusual and unexpected adventures of the month. It was Saturday night, which is our standard date night/go out to eat night each week. We had looked forward all day to going to one of our favorite casual restaurants that we go to frequently. We got there, ordered our food, and in the process of waiting were told by the people behind us that they had seen a MOUSE run across the floor!!! WHOA!!! I am not going to name this establishment, because I truly believe it was not their fault (construction next door had apparently flushed out a nest of mice) and I don't want them losing business over something they really can't help. I am also NOT afraid of mice. HOWEVER, we were a little bothered by eating at a table where we didn't know if a mouse had run across it earlier or not. So, we politely asked for a take out container. The restaurant took care of our dinner, which was totally unnecessary (although a very nice gesture) and we took our food to go! We went to a local and somewhat hidden park in the area where we could have a nice little picnic by ourselves. It was fun, and the sky was once again beautiful! One of the many things I treasure about being married to David is that even unexpected trouble often turns into fun!

Most recently, we celebrated my grandfather "Golly's" 90th birthday last night (if you want an explanation of why we call him Golly please ask and I'll be glad to give you the funny story). We are so fortunate to have had him with us for so many years! We all (Mimi and Golly, David and I, my parents & my Uncle Chuck) went to dinner at Harpers, a favorite restaurant nearby, and afterwards went back to Mimi and Golly's house for him to open cards and presents. What a wonderful celebration of 90 years of life!!! :-)

The man in this photo with us is the manager at Harpers who was very helpful!

Finally, we wrapped up our April (last night AFTER Golly's birthday celebration) by celebrating Walpurgis Night! Never heard of it? I would be surprised if you HAD heard of it! Many of you know that I am VERY into heritage and traditions. I have always really wanted our kids one day to be able to celebrate some of the holidays and traditions from the countries that David and I's ancestors are from, and thus am always researching such things. But why wait for kids? Why not have the fun now? So last night we celebrated our first Walpurgis Night (a Swedish and German holiday - part of my ancestry). You can read more about it here - . David made a Walpurgis bonfire in our fire pit, and my parents and uncle came over to join the fun (actually, I think it was just to humor me). We drank coffee and enjoyed the fire for this cool spring night. Call me crazy with all my random holidays, but I love them!!! I'm DEFINITELY not crazy about our kids celebrating the original pagan meaning of the holiday - that the fires keep away the evil spirits that supposedly roamed the earth on April 30th. So when we have kids, we are going to let them instead celebrate the idea that 1) God gave us the awesome season of spring and 2) the light of the fire (Christ) keeps away (spiritual) darkness! :-)

Thanks to my wonderful husband for building our fire, putting it out afterwards, and, most of all tolerating (and even appreciating) my passion for our culture and heritage...

All in all, a great month filed with lots of random fun!

1 comment:

  1. You know.... you could always move to Raleigh if that drive gets too long. :)
