Saturday, December 18, 2010

A Christmas-time week of fun!

"Christmas waves a magic wand over this world, and behold, everything is softer and more beautiful." ~Norman Vincent Peale

Wow, this was a great week full of SO many fun things!!! It all started LAST Saturday, when we went to the Living Christmas Tree concert at Friendly Avenue Baptist Church in Greensboro. We have been in the past and it is always really beautiful and a great way to get into the Christmas spirit. It was hard to get pictures to turn out because it was so dark in there (and we were sitting in the balcony), but here are a few attempts...

On Tuesday night, we went to the Greensboro Coliseum for the annual WFMY Holiday Blood Drive. Always a great thing that we love doing - such an easy and worthwhile way to help someone and a great feeling to know that you have helped save a life!

Wednesday, we celebrated my mother's birthday at PF Changs in Greensboro with my parents and grandparents. What a great evening! We had an awesome waiter who served us a great meal and then brought us some AMAZING treats after the meal. We told him it was my mothers birthday, and also that in the same month was David's birthday and my grandparents anniversary. No one would believe the food that was put on our table! After dinner, the waitstaff made my grandparents a personalized plate for them to keep for their anniversary, and brought us two desserts to share amongst the table - banana spring rolls, and the biggest piece of chocolate cake you have ever seen - must have been 4 pounds (all 6 of us were able to eat a large piece of it)! Thanks PF Changs, for making our celebration so special! And if you go, make sure you ask for Lamont as your waiter - he was awesome!

Thursday morning, we woke up to snow/ice that had fallen overnight, and the roads were SLICK! So I didn't go into work until 12:30. Short work day! Thursday evening, David and I sat on the floor in our living room and wrapped enormous amounts of Christmas presents to be opened over the next week by our families. Lots of work, but fun and totally worth it! David and I have so much fun just being in the same room together, even when we are working hard on stuff. I treasure those times with him!!!

Before we have Christmas with our families, we decided this year we would do a special "couples Christmas" just with the two of us (then will be doing our family Christmases this next week). So last night, Friday, was our "Christmas Eve" for our couples Christmas. So we grabbed steak for David (which he grilled), chicken for me, red and white wine, twice baked potatoes and ice cream, pulled out our fine china and crystal (people told us married couples NEVER use their fine china or crystal, but we find so many fun ways to celebrate with using them), and had a nice candlelit meal together in our dining room! So much fun and such a romantic time with my sweetie!

After our nice dinner, the two of us rode around town and looked at Christmas lights, something we love to do. David drove us and wore his Santa hat...

This morning was our "Couples Christmas Day." David woke up earlier than me and told me to stay in our bedroom and sleep while he got a "surprise" ready for me. When he finally let me up, he had a hot Chai Tea from Starbucks that he had gone out to get me. YUM! How sweet! We went into the living room to open our stockings and presents we had gotten for each other. Among the many wonderful presents my husband got me? Some BEAUTIFUL jewelry, a really pretty sweater, and a Starbucks gift card. I got him a gym membership and some shoes he had been wanting. We sat in our living room in our pjs, opened presents, and looked at our tree and talked (also ready the Christmas story from the Gospel of Luke). SUCH a great memory!

To cap the day off, we went to the UNC-Texas game at the Greensboro Coliseum with my parents. It was a NAIL BITER and it ended in a heartbreaking loss for Carolina! But it was a fun experience nonetheless, and was snowing a little as we walked into the coliseum (although you can't tell in the picture)...

When I look back at weeks like this, I realize just how blessed David and I are to have so much fun in our marriage! So much to be thankful for!

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