Monday, September 21, 2015

Our Week in Review: 9/14/2015-9/20/2015

"What it was, was football." -Andy Griffith

Lots of fun stuff happened this week!  Autumn is probably our busiest season in our home, based on how many fun events we have available to go to around here (and given that Joseph's birthday and our wedding anniversary fall in October, autumn is probably even crazier for us than the holiday season!).  I love all the fun!

On Tuesday morning, my MOPS table group had a play date with our sister table group at my friend Jessica's house.  Jessica is our table leader and one of my very dear friends, and it was so sweet for her to open her home to us and bake us yummy pumpkin muffins!  All the children enjoyed playing in her backyard.

I took the following picture after Joseph's nap on Wednesday.  He got up from his nap and seemed ready to carry on with his day, but apparently he was still a little tired, because he came into the den, laid his upper body on the love seat, and fell back asleep standing up.

I consigned this year at a church consignment sale for the first time ever!  Although we still hope for more children, it was good to get rid of a few of Joseph's old items that he never really wore or was never really into.  I chose to consign at Trinity, the church right down the road from us (and the church I went to until I was about 12).  Consignors get to shop the sale they consign at early, so on Thursday evening I went and shopped for Joseph some new clothes for a little while while Joseph stayed with David.  It was nice to get some good deals on cute clothes!

 Friday evening we went to one of our favorite annual events - the Greensboro Greek Festival!  Our house is only a few blocks from the Greek Orthodox church, so every year we are able to walk to the festival and avoid getting caught in the crazy parking.  So fun! 

Weekends are so fun now, because football season has arrived!  YAY!  This is just a snipped of what college gameday looks like in our home...

I almost cried on Sunday morning, because Joseph fit into one of his new size 3T shirts!  How is he growing up so fast?!  I didn't get his hair brushed before I took this pic, but I still thought it was pretty adorable!
And on Sunday evening, our neighborhood association had it's annual picnic by the lake.  Our neighborhood association is open to anyone within the original town limits of Hamilton Lakes (yes, my neighborhood used to be an incorporated town until the 1950s!) - that includes our neighborhood, my parents neighborhood next to us, and a couple of other small sections in our area.  Every year we have a fall picnic by Lake Euphemia, one of the lakes in our neighborhood.  It's always a great time of food trucks and fun!

September is in full swing!  Treasuring this wonderful time of year and season of life! :-)

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