Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Week in Review 4/13/15-4/19/15

 "The April rain, the April rain,
Comes slanting down in fitful showers,
Then from the furrow shoots the grain,
And banks are fledged with nestling flowers;
And in grey shawl and woodland bowers
The cuckoo through the April rain
Calls once again."
-  Mathilde Blind, April Rain     

We had some spring rain this week but still managed to fit some pretty fun stuff into the mix!
Nonie showed Jojo how to make "soap bubbles" at the sink, which he loved!  He also loved playing with the little yellow brush in his left hand.

We also got to see some big trucks outside Nonie, Papaw, and Great Mimi's houses.  Anyone who knows Jojo knows that big trucks are some of his favorite things!  On Tuesday we got to see the Lowe's truck when it came to deliver a new grill to Nonie and Papaw...

And just a little while later we got to see the garbage truck come down their street (this done under the protection of an umbrella since it had started raining).  I love seeing the delight on Joseph's face while he watches!

Monday afternoon, we went walking with our friends Miss Jessica and Miss Ginny and their boys in the back side of our neighborhood.  I didn't manage to take any pictures of this other than this one I got of Joseph's buddy James hanging out in his stroller...

This is totally going to be my most random picture for the week, but I think everyone knows how much I love couponing and finding ways to get things for cheap or for free.  This week I managed to snag a free Organic Seeds of Change Caribbean Rice packet.  This makes me very happy.  We had it with dinner one night this week an it was delicious. (told you this was a random picture, but the frugal girl in me absolutely delighted in this find)

On Wednesday morning we went to story time at one of the local libraries, as we sometimes do.  Joseph loves story time.  He generally prefers to sit in my lap and reject the idea of sitting on the floor with a lot of the other kids.  Holding true to our attachment parenting beliefs, I never force him to sit down there if he doesn't want to.  Well this time we waltzed in and, when I asked if he wanted to sit on the floor with the kids, he said yes.  He sat there for about 3 minutes before story time began, then became uneasy and wanted to come back and sit on my lap and of course, I let him.  But I was so proud of my big boy for hanging out on his own on the floor for even a few minutes!

On the floor

Then back in Mommy's lap :-)

Each story time has a theme, and today's theme was libraries and books themselves.  Very fun!
And Joseph was super happy with the sticker he got afterwards!
Wednesday was also a very gloomy, rainy day, but Joseph was quite content to get out and about, especially once snuggled in the Tula.  "MY Tula!" he says (as if one of us is going to try to get in it or something! LOL!)

On Saturday, we went to Nan's School of Dance to celebrate our friend Addison's 5th Birthday Party!!!  So much fun!!!  Happy Birthday, Princess Addison!!!

Prince Joseph and the princesses

While the ladies dance, Prince Joseph is quite content to sit on the floor guarding them with his sword :-)

Icing!  Yum!

The sweet birthday girl and her parents.  Happy Birthday Princess Addison!!!

The weather is getting nicer by the week here in this part of NC...can't wait to see what the rest of spring brings!

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