Monday, December 23, 2013

Shelton Vineyards and Thanksgiving

"Thanksgiving is a time when the world gets to see just how blessed and workable the Christian system is.  The emphasis is not on giving or buying, but on being thankful and expressing that appreciation to God and to one another." -John Clayton

Our holiday season has been great so far this year!  We started out, the week before Thanksgiving, by going to Shelton Vineyards in Dobson for their annual holiday open house.  This is our second year going to this event (last year Joseph was only a month old) and it is lots of fun!

We ate lunch at the Harvest Grill - so yummy!  It's hard to see in this picture, but there were Old-World-style carolers singing in the corner...

As always, Joseph was conveyed through the event via babywearing :-)  It was chilly that day, so I was happy we were all wrapped up!

One of the carolers let Joseph wear his top hat...

Jojo went on his first hayride around the vineyard and enjoyed taking in the sites...

What a great day!

The next week was Thanksgiving.  We had planned to go to Highlands to see David's family for this Thanksgiving, but David's busy school schedule forced us to stay here.  We were very sad not to be able to see them!  Since we couldn't make the trip, we went to the Embassy Suites Thanksgiving lunch buffet.  Yum!

I'm sure I'm a dork, but I love the inside of Embassy Suites.  So pretty.  I had my bridesmaid luncheon in this atrium a little over 4 years ago.  I always have to take some pics...

We rode to the top floor while we waited to be seated (see pics above), and below is a picture of Joseph on his first glass elevator ride.  He wasn't scared at all and had his little face just about pressed to the glass!
After the elevator ride, Joseph waited patiently on Great-Mimi's lap for the food to start...

Finally it was meal time.  Joseph ate.  And ate.  And ate.  Basically everything there was to eat, he ate (and fed momma a few bites, too)...

A quick group photo before we left (Joseph's patience was seriously lacking at this point)...

And our very full boy was indeed SO full that he took a whopping THREE HOUR NAP AFTER WE LEFT!!!

Hope everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving!

Thanksgiving is a time when the world gets to see just how blessed and how workable the Christian system is. The emphasis is not on giving or buying, but on being thankful and expressing that appreciation to God and to one another.

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