Sunday, November 10, 2013

Recent Autumn Events

"Every leaf speaks bliss to me, fluttering from the autumn tree." -Emily Bronte
Wow, we have gotten to do SO many fun things this fall!  Here is a rundown of some of the things we've been up to recently...

We went to the State Fair in Raleigh, where we had so much fun.  Ate a bunch of fair food, saw some livestock, watched some people milk a cow, and proudly rocked our "Vote Republican!" stickers front and center that we got from the GOP booth!  Joseph went in "babywearing style" for his first NC State Fair, as he and I debuted the new wrap that my mother made me to wear OVER the Boba, thus keeping Joseph and I both warm (as we went to the fair on a very chilly Friday afternoon)!

David enjoys some fair food

Joseph enjoys some babywearing (yes, he looks miserable, but it was only because he was wanting some of my elephant ear)
The next morning we took Joseph to his first ever Lexington BBQ Festival!  David and I have gone every year since we got married, but we skipped last year because Joseph was just a few days old.  Funny thing - since Joseph wasn't due until November 7th of last year, we were expecting me to be in my 39th week of pregnancy for the BBQ Festival 2012.  David and I had planned to go and do lots of walking to try to get labor started!  But God (and Joseph) had other plans, and our sweet boy had already joined us by the time of last year's festival.  We were glad he was old enough to go this year!

There is no way to tell in this pic (bad angle - I was wearing him in the Boba when I snapped this), but this is Joseph trying his first ever bite of NC BBQ.  He loved it!!!

BBQ Festival Sand Sculpture

Joseph is wrapped up in our babywearing cover again, staying warm and cozy!

This child loves to play with leaves.  Seriously, he can do it for hours.

David and I shared a bloomin' onion...yum!

And Joseph practiced his walking skills.
Halloween was really fun this year, as Joseph went as a bat!  He looked so cute!  On Halloween morning, I had my parents (and their camera) go with me to pick up a few things at the grocery store.  Usually when I'm shopping I have him in the Boba, but on this day I let him ride in the cart so he could show off his costume.  So fun!  And we wrapped up the shopping experience by checking out with our favorite cashier (I check out with her almost every time - she absolutely loves Joseph!)

After shopping that morning, we went to my grandmothers house to take some pictures in her driveway and backyard...

And we ended the evening with our annual Halloween bonfire in our front yard.  We've done this tradition every year since we got married (except for the very first Halloween, when we were in Charleston, SC on the last night of our honeymoon).  It's a great way to have fun while handing out candy to trick-or-treaters.  My parents come over and we invite a few of our friends, and it's always so much fun!  Since Joseph was too young to trick-or-treat this year, we decided to do the bonfire again (although it's so much fun that I think we may continue it in future years after trick-or-treating hours end).

Opening up smore materials

One of Joseph's BFFs - James the Giraffe!

Our Jack-O-Lantern, designed and carved by my very talented husband.

Joseph was tried of wearing his bat hat by this point...

My fire-tender

And our most recent of fun activities?  Joseph's first college basketball game!  David called me from work a couple of Fridays ago and said "Oh my gosh, I forgot the exhibition game is in Chapel Hill tonight...we have to get tickets!"  So I jumped online and bough us tickets, put Joseph (and myself) in Carolina garb, and as soon as David got home from work we headed to Chapel Hill.  No time for dinner, so I ate a slice of Papa Johns at the game and David had a BBQ sandwich.  We had to sit midway up on the 2nd level, and while Joseph enjoyed the game for a little bit, he eventually got fussy.  So, what does a momma do to keep the peace?  Two things - breastfeeding, and bouncing (who says the fussy baby hold only works for the first few months?).  Works every time!  And great win, Heels...good job!!!

Nursing, Tar Heel style (Oh how I wish they made UNC nursing covers)

Bouncing during basketball
The other event from October that I want to mention but don't have pictures of is our 4th wedding anniversary!  I can't believe it's been 4 years since I walked down the aisle to marry the love of my life!  He continues to be not only the love of my life but my very best friend, and I cannot imagine what I would do without him.  I never knew I'd find a man that I loved so much OR that loved me so much.  Thankful for him every day!

We've had a fun-filled fall and I'm so grateful!

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