Wednesday, July 24, 2013

July Highlands Trip and Cow Appreciation Day

"A cheerful frame of mind, reinforced by the medicine that puts all ghosts of fear on the run." -George Matthew Adams

For July 4th this year, we took another trip to Highlands, NC, to see David's family, as they have officially moved there full time now!  His parents have retired, and his brother-in-law has a job at the Highlands-Cashiers Hospital.  It is wonderful to have them 4 1/2 hours away instead of 12 hours away!  Sadly, it poured down rain almost the entire 3 days/4 nights we were there.  But we didn't let that dampen our spirit!  

We got to meet our 3rd and newest nephew, Bennett!!!  He is so precious and it was so fun to snuggle a little baby again!  Although, he's a big boy, and Joseph is still very small for his age, so I think Bennett will catch up to him and pass him pretty soon! 

I got some great holding time with Bennett, and so did David...

We got some great pictures of Joseph with all three of his cousins - Ryder, Ace, and Bennett...

As well as a photo of all four boys with David's parents.  Four grandsons!  This family knows how to make some boys, for sure! 

I love this picture of David and his sister, Lindsay, with Joseph and Bennett.  So cute!

Joseph had a fantastic time with the boys.  Here he is having a blast with Ryder.  Look at that big smile!!!

He and Ace were able to share Poppy's lap...

Joseph took to Uncle Ben very quickly...

And had a great time playing with a ton of toys, some of which we brought with us, and some of which his big cousins were sweet enough to share with him...

He even got to take a nap every day on Poppy's chest!

And he practiced his sippy cup skills while we are at the Bistro on Main...still working on it...

And, I just have to be a typical mom and maintain that I have the most precious baby in the world.  Look at this sheer cuteness...

We are thankful for such a fun trip and for special time with family!!!

Another cool event of July was Cow Appreciation Day at Chick-fil-a.  We are huge supporters of Chick-fil-a because of their Christian values and ethics.  I don't want Joseph to grow up eating a great deal of fast food, but when he DOES get a craving for some not-so-healthy stuff I sure hope Chick-fil-a is where he'll take his business!  So when I heard that you could don cow costumes and get your food for free, well, I knew I had to jump at this chance!  I always wanted to participate in Cow Appreciation Day, even before we had Joseph, but when I was working outside the home I didn't have time to make costumes.  So I was determined that, now that I'm in my new job of being a stay-at-home mom, I was going to find a way to make us look like cows!  I went to Hobby Lobby (another store with values similar to Chick-Fil-A whom I love to give business to) and purchased my materials.  I came home and spent the rest of the day making cow shirts for David and myself, an entire cow outfit for Joseph, and tails for all of us.  SO MUCH FUN.  We went the next day, got our free food, and were told by the staff of the Friendly Center Chick-Fil-A that Joseph was "the cutest little cow they'd seen all day."  I'd have to agree!

Oh this sweet baby boy, how I adore him!!!  I'm so thankful for the fun things our little family gets to do during the summer!!!

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