Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Randomness for Today

I haven't had time to do normal blog posts recently, much less random ones.  But, exceptions do happen, and here are three TOTALLY random things that I had on my brain today:

1) David and I met with a financial advisor from Fidelity Investments yesterday to talk about some retirement stuff and get Joseph's college fund going.  He asked me when I was planning to go back to work.  We told him that we were planning to homeschool our kids until college, and that even then I may not re-enter the workforce.  The advisor marked me down as "retired."  I found that really funny - for one, it's hard to think about retirement at age 32.  For another, in many ways my life is busier now than it ever was when I worked outside the home, so I don't feel very "retired."  I realize he had no other way to code it, but I just had to laugh.  But really, it made me think about how much I love life as a homemaker.  I fully realize that full time homemaking would not be interesting to everyone, in the same way I have little interest in, say, accounting.  Or archaeology.  Or dentistry.  But for me, it's the perfect fit.  David often talks about how he prays that we will be in a financial situation after our kids go to college that I won't have to re-enter the workforce unless I just want to.  I can't help but think that would be a wonderful option IF that's the Lord's will.  It's not that I don't enjoy working outside the home, but there is nothing I like as much as taking care of things here, and attempting to make our home a peaceful haven for my husband and a welcoming place of hospitality for others.  Call me old fashioned, but that's just what I love!  The investment advisor showed us where we are right now in terms of being on track to meet our retirement goals for when David retires one day (like I said, they already have me marked as "retired") and I was pleased.  We are not nearly as far off the mark as I would have thought.  Things actually look doable, and it's only through the Lord's blessing.  I am thankful and excited about what our future holds in terms of raising our family and then living out our golden years together.

2) I went bathing suit shopping today.  Ugh.  Our play group is going to the pool tomorrow, and we are also going to Myrtle Beach later this summer, so I knew it was time.  I don't think any woman ever things it's fun, but geez, it's much worse postpartum.  I'm coming to grips with the fact that 9 months of pregnancy changes your body, and I know I'm supposed to look at those changes as badges of honor because of the gift of motherhood.  But it's hard when you are trying to squeeze yourself into swimsuits that are a few sizes bigger than what you wore pre-baby.  Part of me just wanted to wear my maternity bathing suit from last summer for comfort and ease, but I got brave and decided to shop anyway.  I found something that is decently cute.  Could I put three of my teenage selves in there?  YES.  But, I am thankful for a sweet baby boy that caused some of these changes, and for a husband that thinks I look beautiful regardless and tells me so, too. 

3) Marriage stuff.  I've been reading a book that deals with Christian motherhood and marriage.  It speaks a lot about making sure that motherhood and other things don't zap the spark out of your marriage.  I don't think David and I have ever had our spark fully "zapped," but like any couple keeping the focus on your marriage becomes harder and harder when you have children.  I think a lot of women get so exhausted that they tend to get very critical of their husbands, no matter how hard their husbands are trying to help or do the right thing.  I liked this quote in the book from Heidi St. John..."Our homes should be places of rest and security.  In a hostile and busy world, marriage should be a sanctuary.  The culture we live in has abandoned the sanctity of marriage, largely because we have abandoned God and His heart for marriage.  Try to see your marriage as as opportunity to be the wife God created you to be.  When you do, it can change your life.  Instead of criticizing, pray for him.  Love him.  Prefer him.  Grow old with him.  The impact you will have by living out and then leaving behind a legacy of love with reach far into future generations."  What a wonderful reminder I thought this was of what we want to build our roles as wives to look like!

Okay, how's that for three totally random, unrelated thoughts?  I don't know, maybe this was just a waste of blog space for most of my readers, but I just felt like sharing.  Everyone have a great week!

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