Monday, September 14, 2015

Week in Review 9/7/2015-9/13/2015

"The blood you donate gives someone another chance at life. One day that someone may be a close relative, a friend, a loved one—or even you." -Unknown

School went great this week!  Joseph is still loving it and so am I!  We made a tissue-paper version of the red fish and the blue fish from Dr. Suess's book "One Fish, Two Fish, Red Fish, Blue Fish" (our book of the week):

Our color of the week was yellow, and our Creation study revolved around God creating the sun, moon, and stars.  So we made yellow play dough sunshines!

Thursday evening, we went to a local blood drive at Fellowship Presbyterian Church here in Greensboro.  We LOVE giving blood!  This time, David volunteered to give "double red cells."  It's the first time he's ever done this particular form of blood donation (usually we both just do the general "give a pint of blood" blood donation).  In giving double red cells, they hooked him to a machine which takes out twice as many of his red cells, but then puts his other blood components (platelets, plasma, etc) back into his body.  It was pretty cool!  The Red Cross said they are VERY much in need of double red cell donors, and at the drive we were at they only had 3 people all day volunteer to do it because it takes a long time and also makes some people feel a bit more woozy than they normally would after giving blood.  They also told us that his red cells would most likely be given to a cancer patient and used by the end of this month.  I was so proud of him!  And since we are training Joseph to be a "future blood donor," one of the nurses gave him some cool bandages so that he would match his daddy. :-)

Jojo and I took this selfie randomly on Friday.  Love my happy boy!

On Friday evening, David and I watched a movie in our den after putting Joseph to bed.  Pretty soon we heard the all-too-familiar cry of a bad dream coming from Joseph's room.  So onto my lap he went, and little man slept on me for the rest of the movie.  He's so precious.

On Saturday, we made our normal weekly trip to our local library.  Joseph had fun as always and had a great time playing with a little boy and a little girl around his age that he met while we were there. :-)

I didn't get any pictures, but Sunday after church we went to a greeting ministries potluck lunch with church.  David and I were "substitute" door greeters for several years and recently decided to become "regularly scheduled" greeters.  We love welcoming people to Westover!  It was a great time of fun and fellowship with everyone yesterday (including my parents, who are also greeters on a different Sunday).

We woke up today to a 50 degree temperature!!!  The weather is supposed to be back into the 80s at the end of the week, but I'll take this amazing fall weather when I can get it!  There was also a LOT of college and pro football watched at our house this weekend, which makes all three of us very happy (we are definitely a sports-loving family!).  :-)  Happy autumn, everyone!

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