Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Independence Day 2014

"Freedom is never given, it is won." -Unknown

Fourth of July this year brought with it the usual patriotic activities PLUS Joseph's first haircut!  Here is a look at our activities:

We went to the Greensboro parade downtown, where Joseph LOVED watching everything!

We decided our favorite parade entries were...

The Guilford County Republican Party (YAY for being Conservative!!!)

Chick-fil-a (Christian principles, good food, and cute cows...what more could one want?!)

The Revolutionary-era drum and fife corp

Camping World (because we love Marcus Lemonis and "The Profit."

The fire truck (because what little boy doesn't love a fire truck?)
A larger-than-life dancing hotdog, who came over to give Joseph a high-five!

And of course Uncle Sam on stilts!

And for some reason I felt compelled to take a picture of the Lincoln Financial Building across the street, just because I've always thought it was pretty...

After the parade, we walked around the Fun Fourth celebration for a while, then stopped off at Natty's Greene's for lunch.  What could be better than eating lunch, on July 4th, in a restaurant named after a local Revolutionary War hero, where you and your husband had your first date almost 6 years ago?  Joseph had a lot of fun just playing at the table while we waited for our food...

That evening, we went to my grandmother's house to have a cookout with her and with my parents (hotdogs, baked beans, watermelon - typical all-American fare!).  After we ate, Joseph celebrated a major milestone...his first haircut!  It was getting entirely too long, especially in the back, so we decided to let my mom trim him up.  I shoved cookie cake, blue dye #1 and all (a rare treat for Joseph), into his mouth to try to keep him still while she trimmed.  It was quite an adventure but turned out looking really cute!

After dinner, David and I let Joseph stay up 2 hours past bedtime in order to see the fireworks.  No pics of that, but we had a great time watching the show, and Joseph loved it!

Hope everyone had a great 4th!!!

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