Sunday, July 17, 2011

A Few Recent Things

"A contented mind is the greatest blessing a man can enjoy in this world." -Joseph Addison

There are a few new things this week from our household. For one, we started a "Blessings Board." We both talked about how we want to take note and pay more attention to the blessings, big and small, in our everyday life. So, I bought a cheap whiteboard to keep in our kitchen called the Blessings Board. Each day David and I write down, throughout the day or at the end (depending on if it's a weekend or a workday) specific blessings that come to mind. The next day, we erase and start with new blessings. It's already proven to be a GREAT reminder of all of the amazing things that God does for us every day! This is a picture of yesterday (Saturday)'s mid morning, we had written down Aunt Mary Jo (David's aunt)'s birthday (because we love her and love celebrating her life), the Christmas decor we bought for cheap at a yard sale (see lower part of this post) AND I had written the fact that David brought me breakfast in bed (because he is AWESOME!) :-)

I also bought a second whiteboard to be used for our "Thought O' The Day." Every evening, I pick an inspirational quotation to write on this board to try to live out or think about during the day. We keep this in front of our bathroom mirror, so it's the first thing we see when we wake up each day. The quotation changes daily...

Also, yesterday morning we, as usual, went "yardsaling!" We found a pickle Christmas ornament for $0.50, which is something I've been wanting for a long time. It's a German tradition, and you can read more about it here if you are curious or think it's something you'd like to incorporate into your own Christmas traditions ( )

Also, for $1 I bought the cutest little "Goodies for Santa" set. It's a plate to leave cookies for Santa on and a mug for milk or hot chocolate. I really wanted it for when we have kids, because both the mug and plate are painted with pictures of children of different nationalities. So I figured it could serve not only as a fun tradition but as a diversity lesson!

So anyway, these are some of the fun things we wanted to share from this weekend. I know I have been a lazy blogger recently, but I fully intend to catch up soon. Posts to watch for that should be coming in the next few weeks...Coupon Organizing (I know, I have promised this for months...I have no real excuse, just not on the ball), Why Heritage Matters, Watching Our Spiritual Diet (And Why We Should Watch What We Put In Our Minds as Much as What We Put in Our Bodies, and, yes, CHRISTMAS IN JULY!!! :-) So stay tuned, everyone! LOTS of stuff coming up soon!

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