Thursday, June 23, 2011

Sydney's Graduation

You are educated. Your certification is in your degree. You may think of it as the ticket to the good life. Let me ask you to think of an alternative. Think of it as your ticket to change the world. ~Tom Brokaw

Saturday before last, we went to Chapel Hill to see my youngest cousin, Sydney, graduate from East Chapel Hill High School. So much fun!!! Syd, like her siblings, is super smart and is headed off to Georgetown University in DC next year (her sister Casey graduated from Vanderbilt several years ago and now works in DC, and her brother is at Appalachian State on a full teaching fellows scholarship).

East Chapel Hill High School always holds their graduation in the Dean Dome, which I especially love. :-)

You can't tell because the picture is blurry, but here Sydney is actually at the podium speaking as one of the Senior Class Co-Presidents. Go Syd! She did a great job!

Afterwards a ton of people went back to their house to celebrate with a luncheon/cookout. A great time was had by all!!!

Family photo...with Syd front and center...

Since I've now turned 30, I'm finally old enough to say all the sentimental and mushy stuff that all people under 30 hate, lol. So I have to say that I can't believe that the sweet little girl that used to sit on my lap and call me "Eee-aaa" (because she was just too little to pronounce Lisa all the way out) is headed off to college next year. She has been a cousin to me, a bridesmaid, and a friend. Syd, David and I love you and are so proud of all you've accomplished! Can't wait to see what your future holds! :-) And most importantly, remember to text your old cousin from time to time (just not too much, because I'm not cool enough to have unlimited like you).

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