Friday, July 30, 2010

Micky beware!

"Today, if you invent a better mousetrap, the government comes along with a better mouse." -Ronald Reagan

It's happened to us. Didn't think it would, but it did. Despite my routine and rigorous kitchen cleaning, we believe that a mouse has taken up residence somewhere in that part of our house. I've been told not to be ashamed...that even the cleanest houses (and kitchens) in the world can attract a mouse. But still, there is that part of me that thinks "Eeeeeeeeeeewwwwwwwwwwwww!"

Anyway, something must be done...he must be stopped! Last weekend, we bought some cheap mousetraps. Bad idea. if there is one thing that you should invest good money in, it's a quality mousetrap.

So, tonight, armed with Victor Traps (which I'm told is the Gucci of the mousetrap world), my parents came over for our first "Mousetrap Packing Party." Never heard of one? Congratulations, that means your family isn't totally insane like mine. What does said party consist of, you may ask? Well, each person gets their own mousetrap (which they write their name on underneath). And each person gets to pack their own trap with cheese in whatever manner they see fit. Throw in a 50 cent buy-in per person and, voila, you have the most banal form of gambling possible. Even if I win, the $2 "pot" won't come close to paying the bills for the counseling I'll need from being married to and born to a bunch of nuts.

I was against blogging about this, for the record. I'd like to appear to the outside world like I lead somewhat of a normal existence. There is a certain comfort to keeping these proverbial skeletons in the closet. BUT, under the pressure of my dear husband and parents I caved. So below I document the whole process:

Each person works intently on their own trap:

The men make the VERY careful walk to set their traps in place...

And we have the location choices...

For David, the corner of the counter tops behind our bread machine:

For me, the top of the range:

Dad chose a spot on the floor:

While Mom finished up with a little nook behind the small appliances:

Stay tuned for further developments and results...

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